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 window()                Define a Text-mode Window

 #include   <conio.h>

 void       window(left,top,right,bottom);
 int        left;
 int        top;
 int        right;
 int        bottom;

    window() defines a window on the screen with coordinates
    ('left','top') and ('right','bottom').  If these coordinates are
    invalid, the call to window() is ignored.  The default window is the
    entire screen.  If the text-mode is 80-column, the default
    coordinates are (1,1,80,25). If the mode is 40-column, the
    coordinates are (1,1,40,25). The coordinate origin in both modes is
    (1,1). The minimum size of a text window is 1 column by 1 line.

       Returns:     Nothing.

   Portability:     IBM PC and compatibles only.

   -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

    The following statements sets the current window to the right half of
    the screen and outputs a string to that window.

           #include <conio.h>

               cputs("    This string is output to the current window.");

See Also: gettextinfo() textmode()
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